On Wed, 2013-02-20 at 15:06 -0500, Jim Jagielski wrote:

> -deps for 2.4.4 are not released, so it's a non-issue for 2.4.x.

> I can't recall if we bundle apr/apu with 2.2.x but if we do, then

I ran a test for Bill to check if it suffers same fate, yes it is
included, and yes, it does.

> I say simply rerolling with apu-1.4 instead of apu-1.5 is fine.

If that's the case Jim, and I know from previous discussions the reality
is -deps *will* soon vanish completely, you should now stop pushing
-deps onto ftp mirrors, as you can not seriously push something out for
GA that is known to be broken :)

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