On 06/16/2014 10:38 AM, Greg Stein wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 3:00 AM, André Malo <n...@perlig.de
> <mailto:n...@perlig.de>> wrote:
>     * Daniel Gruno wrote:
> ... 
> I'm finding the back/forth here to be a bit more combative than maybe
> needed. Daniel: you asked for feedback. Andre could maybe be more
> constructive and appreciative of your work, but it *is* what you asked for.
I did say I was being terse :) And it was late. Sorry if I sounded too
much like a grumpy cat (or angry pony), it is not my intention to berate
or belittle anyone, but merely to exchange views. Email, like IRC, can
be a terrible purveyor of emotions, things can all to easily be
interpreted as spiteful and combative. I meant no spite or ill intentions.

I want this to be meritocratic and democratic (not utilitarian), in that
we try to compromise so it's the least horrible outcome for as many
people as possible.
> Forward movement is good, and I greatly appreciate bringing in Bootstrap
> as a tool for making the site better looking, and more
> layout-responsive. Kudos.
> Cheers,
> -g

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