On 09/14/2014 01:35 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:

Am 14.09.2014 um 13:21 schrieb Martynas Bendorius:
Is there any special reason why mod_systemd and mod_journald (available in 
trunk) are not backported to 2.4 yet?

As we have a lot of distributions already using systemd by default (CentOS/RHEL 
7, Fedora, Arch Linux, CoreOS,
openSUSE), and more of them are going to use systemd by default (Debian 8 
(Jessie), Ubuntu), it requires manual
patching of apache for the support of systemd/journald

in most setups you have access logs for each virtual host for log-analyzers
and sometimes the customer itself has access to this logs - not sure why
you would have that in the systemlogs

I think you can still have access_log per virtualhost with mod_journald, but from the performance reasons, I would not advice anyone to store access_log with mod_journald.

Jan Kaluza

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