On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 8:44 AM, Stefan Eissing <
stefan.eiss...@greenbytes.de> wrote:

> I just submitted my first backport STATUS update. Hope I did everything
> ok, otherwise please let me know.
> For backporting mod_h2 to 2.4.x, I decided to make it in two parts: one is
> the patch to core/mod_ssl that introduces Protocols. That is now in STATUS.
> Next would be a patch for modules/http2 which is basically all source
> files, changes in build and docs. Since there are many new files, does it
> sense to make a patch for that or do we handle that differently?
> Also: since there were some people testing the github releases in their
> own setups, I thought it helpful to let them test the core patch and mod_h2
> as it currently is. I made a new release of mod_h2 on github which
> basically downloads httpd 2.4.16, applies the core patch and builds the
> mod_h2 copy against it. Hopefully some people take it out for a spin and
> report back

Looking forward to reviewing the code this week!

At the moment, I'm dubious that we are going to be able to meet the
criteria that modules built for httpd 2.4.x will continue to function
correctly without recompilation under 2.4+refactoring, but that's an
absolute requirement of our versioning promises.  In such a case, 2.6.x (or
3.0.0) would become a top priority.  So there's that to consider.

I'd like to RM a 2.5.0-alpha release on Friday 11 Sept, that would put the
mod_h2 + refactoring into the hands of bleeding edge adopters, ahead of the
ApacheCon Core in Budapest.  We make no promises about the API between
2.5.0 and 2.5.x and users are expected to recompile their modules while
working on that bleed branch.

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