Well, let's have a look at the core changes and discuss specifics. 

There are only additions. Hooks and functions. And fields added to core_config. 
Unless some module is messing directly with that, I can see no need for 

But I might be wrong. Let's review that patch and see. 


> Am 26.08.2015 um 19:39 schrieb William A Rowe Jr <wr...@rowe-clan.net>:
>> On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 12:08 PM, Jim Jagielski <j...@jagunet.com> wrote:
>> ?? I can't quite grok what you mean:
>>         I'm dubious that we are going to be able to meet the
>>         criteria that modules built for httpd 2.4.x will continue to
>>         function correctly without recompilation under 2.4+refactoring
>> could you explain??
> I'm happy to.  I'm not talking about mod_h2 itself, but the API refactoring 
> in core.
>> It seems to me that considering that the h2 module on Github was
>> specific to Apache 2.4, I don't see why we need to add delays or
>> processes to officially add http/2 support, via the h2 module, to
>> 2.4.
>> The whole intent was always that h2 would provide a feedback loop between
>> itself and 2.6/3.0 regarding re-architecturing some aspects, but that
>> doesn't mean we "withhold" http/2 from 2.4. Of course the h2 module
>> under 2.4 will be different from what is eventually in 2.6/3.0. But 
>> so what?
> I think we are on the same page - hopefully mod_h2 can 'fit' within the 
> current API, or we succeed in working out those API backports such that that 
> modules do not -need- to be aware of the change to the API that happened 
> after they were compiled.
> The change we made for http trailers was draconian, and forced us to break 
> our agreement in the name of security, and I hope we can avoid repeating the 
> issue.  (And we avert that sort of issue in the future with _create accessors 
> for httpd structures.)
> If the committers decide that twisting the API or mod_h2 itself to shoehorn 
> it into 2.4 is too much, then 2.6 (or 3.0) is still a possibility, and 
> tagging the state of our 2.5.x development as an -alpha should help us start 
> cleaning up the state of trunk/.

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