From my side it's a "go ahead". We will obviously find bugs in such a new 
module impacting potentially all requests, but the tests we have are stable. 
So, I think, getting it into more peoples hands is the way forward.

Btw. if you review the core_protocols.patch and find anything preventing a 
backport, please let me know asap. I personally would like to avoid a repeat of 
the ALPN back porting stop due to lack of time to find a proper solution.



> Am 26.08.2015 um 17:21 schrieb William A Rowe Jr <>:
> I'm planning to tag trunk on 11 Sept to get 2.5.0 and mod_h2 into users hands 
> ASAP and collect feedback on that module ahead of any merges back into the 
> stable 2.4.x branch.
> Concerns/Questions/Roadblocks/Showstoppers?

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