2 issues:

Sorry, but not sure how to answer this question.  This may be a noob
question, but it seems like every site does it differently.

This page (http://jbehave.org/mailing-lists.html) lists 5 mailing lists
with no description of the intent behind them:

   - gmane.comp.java.jbehave.devel
   - gmane.comp.java.jbehave.user
   - gmane.comp.java.jbehave.scm
   - dev@jbehave.codehaus.org
   - u...@jbehave.codehaus.org

Are these all active?  Should I be subscribed/following all of these?  Do I
really need to go search all of these to see if a question I have has been
addressed before?
There was a post on 9/17/2014 to u...@jbehave.codehaus.org titled "CTRL+F
does not work in JBehave editor".  I haven't seen a response and I don't
see anything listed in the jira (http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/JBEHAVE).
Is this a known issue?  Should/will a jira be created for it?  What should
the process be?  How can I as a community member help?

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