
Firstly: those listed below are not mailing lists but web archives - gmane and mail-archive. As archives, they are neither active nor inactive and you don't need to be subscribed to search them. You may use them to search for previous posts or you can post a question directly on the lists (as you're doing now ;-).

Secondly: CTRL-F is only supported to format tables, at the moment. But you need to highlight the table for the action to be activated. To support the formatting of the entire story, an Eclipse formatter needs to be written. If you have the time and the expertise, your contribution would be most welcome.

Here's how:  http://jbehave.org/how-to-contribute.html


On 25/11/2014 19:31, Frank Pedroza wrote:
2 issues:

Sorry, but not sure how to answer this question. This may be a noob question, but it seems like every site does it differently.

This page (http://jbehave.org/mailing-lists.html) lists 5 mailing lists with no description of the intent behind them:

  * gmane.comp.java.jbehave.devel
  * gmane.comp.java.jbehave.user
  * gmane.comp.java.jbehave.scm
  * dev@jbehave.codehaus.org
  * u...@jbehave.codehaus.org

Are these all active? Should I be subscribed/following all of these? Do I really need to go search all of these to see if a question I have has been addressed before?

There was a post on 9/17/2014 to u...@jbehave.codehaus.org <mailto:u...@jbehave.codehaus.org> titled "CTRL+F does not work in JBehave editor". I haven't seen a response and I don't see anything listed in the jira (http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/JBEHAVE). Is this a known issue? Should/will a jira be created for it? What should the process be? How can I as a community member help?

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