The reporters do not by default include any logger output, except for logger configured to wrote to sysout and then only for the Console output. If you want to do some quick debugging this is the easiest way.

Else, you can define your own custom logging-based reporter that includes any log statements you want. Bear in mind that JBehave was designed to be log-agnostic.


On 29/01/2015 08:56, Omer Shem-Tov wrote:
I'm trying to add logging to jbehave, and I'm not sure what is the best practice. beside this discussion I didn't find any documentation.

I'm trying to add log4j properties from a file, so when I log messages using logger.debug(message) and above it will go to text file, and messages like <>(message) and above will go to the console log.

if I want also these messages to be shown in the html report?

How can I do that?
Why do I need to explicitly specify log4j as dependency in the pom?


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