Following up on Mauro's response...

We extended the *StoryReporter* class and added log messages in certain
methods we wanted logged such as:

*    failed(String step, Throwable cause)*

*    successful(String step)*

*    beforeScenario(String scenarioTitle)*
*    etc...*

Then we added this new class to our StoryReportBuilder:

*     new StoryReporterBuilder().withReporters(new

Not sure if this is the best approach but it works for us.

Christopher Aguirre

On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 5:16 PM, Mauro Talevi <>

>  The reporters do not by default include any logger output, except for
> logger configured to wrote to sysout and then only for the Console output.
>   If you want to do some quick debugging this is the easiest way.
> Else, you can define your own custom logging-based reporter that includes
> any log statements you want.   Bear in mind that JBehave was designed to be
> log-agnostic.
> Cheers
> On 29/01/2015 08:56, Omer Shem-Tov wrote:
>  Hi,
> I'm trying to add logging to jbehave, and I'm not sure what is the best
> practice.
> beside this discussion
> I
> didn't find any documentation.
>  I'm trying to add log4j properties from a file, so when I log messages
> using logger.debug(message) and above it will go to text file, and messages
> like
> and above will go to the console log.
>  if I want also these messages to be shown in the html report?
>  How can I do that?
> Why do I need to explicitly specify log4j as dependency in the pom?
>  Thanks,
>       Omer

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