
I have found the way to change the size of the UI font in Windows system.
There is a function  *void Window::ImplUpdateGlobalSettings( AllSettings&
rSettings, BOOL bCallHdl )* in file *vcl/source/window. *The default size of
the UI font is 8 points, as the following lines of code gives:

                    // #107886# allow scaling of the UI if the menu font is
                    //  slightly larger/smaller than the 8pt default

                       i*nt defFontheight = 8;*
                       Font aFont = aStyleSettings.GetMenuFont();
In order to scale the text size in the menu, the following lines of code
must be uncommented.

                //aFont = aStyleSettings.GetHelpFont();
               //aFont.SetHeight( defFontheight );
               //aStyleSettings.SetHelpFont( aFont );

It's a pretty awkward way to access the feature. actually, the common users
who aren't interested in coding have no way to set the suitable size or
style of the UI font at all. So my suggestion is to have a consistent
users-accessible way to do that through UI whether in Linux or Windows
platform. The most appropriate slot for this feature is the *Option dialog.

*In addition, a specification to detail the mechanism of font fallback and
font substitution would be highly appreciated, because it's very important
to add a new item to the OpenOffice.org language supporting list.*

*Thanks for your suggestions.

Best regards,

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