Hello. I've installed xfce4 with compiz and emerald as decorator. But
there is one problem left which I failed to address anyhow: autohide
hides panel from desktop, but I'm unable to make it visible back. In
reality I can see small line at the edge of my screen - the part of
panel, but whenever I move mouse to this window does not make panel show

After reading xfce4-panel sources it looks like it uses
'enter-notify-event' signal to handle autounhide. But what in compiz
(actually I use fusion-icon but as I understand compiz does all work)
can block this events? Is it possible to pass this events to xfce4
panel? BTW, probably questions itself are wrong since don't speak
gobject and never wrote big enough program in gtk+, but may be you know
where the problem lies and how to fix that?

Anyway, thank you for great work, compiz is really nice :)

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