I would call it advancing insight. I can't think of an assembly which is only for unittesting (due to the src/test folder) and won't be attached the the MavenProject for deployment.

For users it would make it clear:
everything under /src/main are files required during compile time
everything under /src/test are files required during test time
everything under /src/it are files required during integration tests
assembly descriptors doesn't cover one of these, so it should have its own folder.

While Maven-core uses src/main/assembly for years doesn't mean that we could adjust our advice.


Op Sat, 08 Mar 2014 23:57:06 +0100 schreef Dennis Lundberg <denn...@apache.org>:

Hi Robert,

I was not thinking about scope here, just the directory structure of
the project.

We've used src/main/assembly for years now. Maven-core has its
assembly descriptors in src/main/assembly. It seems strange to
suddenly change it. In what way would our users benefit from this

On Sat, Mar 8, 2014 at 10:41 PM, Robert Scholte <rfscho...@apache.org> wrote:
Hi Dennis,

an assembly will always result in an attachment, but there's no such thing
as attaching with a scope.
For that reason I wouldn't separate the assembly descriptors, it might cause
invalid assumptions.


Op Sat, 08 Mar 2014 22:24:10 +0100 schreef Dennis Lundberg


I agree with Karl Heinz that the Assembly Plugin should support the
documented default directory.

It seems that we disagree about what the preferred directory should
be. I think it should be src/main/assembly/ because almost all
assemblies I have ever seen are for the main part of a project. If
someone wanted to create an assembly for the test part of a project I
would recommend to place the assembly descriptor in src/test/assembly.

On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 8:25 PM, Robert Scholte <rfscho...@apache.org>


This is the standard (preferred) directory layout, so it doesn't have to
the default.
I actually think that src/main/assembly/ should be src/assembly/,
it would imply that there can also be a src/test/assembly/. I wouldn't
separate the descriptors into different folders.


Op Fri, 07 Mar 2014 20:14:48 +0100 schreef Karl Heinz Marbaise


I stumbled over a small thing.

The page about the default folder layout


mentioned a location for the maven-assembly-plugin descriptors:


So the location is a suggestion to locate assembly descriptors but the maven-assembly-plugin itself does not have such a default value for that

In my opinion the maven-assembly-plugin should have a default location
mentioned above (descriptors default value to search for
descriptors) or we should change the above description..

What do you thing ? Ideas ?

Kind regards
Karl-Heinz Marbaise

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