Am 2017-02-13 um 17:47 schrieb Guo Yunhe:
Don't. Don't do the same as done here:

The completely disassembled your tarball and build Maven theirselves. This is a 
non-canoncial build which we are likely not going to support! The modifications 
to this aren't known to us. Rather untar our offical tarball and rebuilt your 

Though, you have to grab the tarball from the Internet somehow.


I know what you worry about. But the packaging system doesn't allow internet 
download and compiled binary usually. I have to build it from source somehow.

Then you have two problems:
1. You will require Internet access even if you build from source
2. A non-canonical build will not be supported by us.

Same does Mark Thomas with Apache Tomcat. If people have problems with Tomcat with a OS-/distribution-bundled version, he requests a canonical version from ASF directly.


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