Wouldn't preprocessing help?


-- Aldrin Leal, <ald...@leal.eng.br> / http://about.me/aldrinleal

On Fri, Mar 24, 2017 at 11:01 AM, Andreas Sewe <
s...@st.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> > I would have thought that it was not Maven's responsibility to ascertain
> > that test passed in various JDKs, old and new.
> I agree that is is not Maven's responsibility to (out of the box)
> execute the tests against multiple JREs. If you think it is, one can
> just as well argue that it should run tests for OSGi bundles built with
> Maven using all different permutations that the bundle's Import-Package
> version ranges allow.
> Yes, there are projects where that level of double-checking is
> warranted, but IMHO this is the domain of Jenkins matrix projects or
> similar mechanisms.
> The bigger issue with the "multiple source folder per project" approach
> is whether popular IDEs can express the fact that src/main/java needs to
> be compiled against one JRE whereas src/main/java-9 needs to be compiled
> against another.
> Just my two cents.
> Andreas

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