This page:

My problem: I have an extension that works just fine
in ${maven.home}/lib/ext/ isn't activated when I do the all the things
mentioned in the page.

So my extension was copied from one the Takari EventSpy plugins (trimmed
down and started over). It all worked just fine, as I say, for the ext/
folder.  The I decided to investigate the <extensions> element per the page
above, and now my extension isn't activated.

Here's the diff between what worked befoe, and what doesn't work now but
dhered to the dvice of the page:

The advice I'd like to leave my users would be to add the following to
their build (and set some env props - one of which I admit changed in that
diff, but that's not the problem).

<build>  ...

^ exception that doesn't do anything.

Worse, if I go back to the old way with the post-diff version (dropping the
jar into ext/) if doesn't work either.

TL;DR - EventSpy I made won't work with /build/extensions element.  Am
questioning the documentation.

Oh, I'm standing up for the benefit of all.
Jooby/Java8/Vue.js and a 35 second Maven build including WebDriver tests
(tests in three executions from one compilation).

- Paul

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