OK, I tried something new.

*Goal*: all the plugins in one Git repo (less CI jobs to set up - just one
recursive multi-module maven build).
*Constraint*: Plugins must be independently releasable.

*Test:* Take two modules from the Svn repo and check them in to master (the
rest were deleted - test needs two and a parent pom in master).

*Repository*: https://github.com/paul-hammant/ph_testplugins

Of the two modules checked in, maven-changes-plugin is the one I attempted
to release to my com/paulhammant/ group on 'Central. The workflow for the
release of that single module is here

*Result of Test:* failed, but in a surprising way and at a very late stage

During the release:perform stage the maven tried to push to
which is nuts because I'm not trying to push to a SNAPSHOT, I'm trying to
do a proper release of 3.0.0 (of my renamed to an obscure name plugin).

The documentation for the <scm> part of the pom says that it honors the
name of the local branch for the sequence of commits that the release
plugin does. Which is exactly what you'd want. I've already tested it a
dozen times and it does the right thing by way of tags too.  It's only that
SNAPSHOT weirdness during the upload that ends the experiment, and that's a
fairly late stage piece. My plan was to go onto oss.sonatype.org and delete
it from staging so it would ultimately go nowhere.

Barring that bug, this would work for all of the Maven plugins in a single
repo, meaning a lot less permutations for CI, albeit with a longer build
per commit. I don't think that last is a big issue for this proposed

Any of you could clone the repo I have made, and do the same steps as
CHANGES_PLUGIN_RELEASE_WORKFLOW.md document to get to the same place I got
to (a 401 error from Sonatype's DAV infra). And one of you could tell me
what I did wrong with the setup to encounter that snapshot issue :)

- Paul

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