So the alternate strategy (to what I tested 11 hrs ago) would be to change
the release plugin so that it can do its work on a sub-directory safely.

   cd <root of plugins multi-module checkout/clone>
   cd maven-changes-plugin
   mvn release:prepare
   mvn release:perform

We note after the event that the release was* tagged in SCM with something
strong like 'maven-changes-plugin-3.0.0'*.

We also silently lament that Git doesn't have branch mappings like
Perforce. Indeed, just one small aspect of branch mapping - the ability to
remove sections of the tree in the branch and* maintain that divergence
going forwards*. Of course tags are not branches, but you know what I
mean.  In Git given it's content based storage, there's no storage
downsides from a branch/tag for 'maven-changes-plugin-3.0.0' also
containing all other plugins. Well no storage downsides ignoring working
copy (the checkout).

- Paul

On Tue, Jun 27, 2017 at 8:14 PM, Paul Hammant <> wrote:

> OK, I tried something new.
> *Goal*: all the plugins in one Git repo (less CI jobs to set up - just
> one recursive multi-module maven build).
> *Constraint*: Plugins must be independently releasable.
> *Test:* Take two modules from the Svn repo and check them in to master
> (the rest were deleted - test needs two and a parent pom in master).
> *Repository*:
> Of the two modules checked in, maven-changes-plugin is the one I attempted
> to release to my com/paulhammant/ group on 'Central. The workflow for the
> release of that single module is here
> hammant/ph_testplugins/blob/master/
> *Result of Test:* failed, but in a surprising way and at a very late stage
> During the release:perform stage the maven tried to push to
> /com/paulhammant/testplugins-ph-chgs-pi/3.0.0-SNAPSHOT/
> testplugins-ph-chgs-pi-3.0.0-20170627.234743-1.jar which is nuts because
> I'm not trying to push to a SNAPSHOT, I'm trying to do a proper release of
> 3.0.0 (of my renamed to an obscure name plugin).
> The documentation for the <scm> part of the pom says that it honors the
> name of the local branch for the sequence of commits that the release
> plugin does. Which is exactly what you'd want. I've already tested it a
> dozen times and it does the right thing by way of tags too.  It's only that
> SNAPSHOT weirdness during the upload that ends the experiment, and that's a
> fairly late stage piece. My plan was to go onto and
> delete it from staging so it would ultimately go nowhere.
> Barring that bug, this would work for all of the Maven plugins in a single
> repo, meaning a lot less permutations for CI, albeit with a longer build
> per commit. I don't think that last is a big issue for this proposed
> repository.
> Any of you could clone the repo I have made, and do the same steps as
> document to get to the same place I
> got to (a 401 error from Sonatype's DAV infra). And one of you could tell
> me what I did wrong with the setup to encounter that snapshot issue :)
> - Paul

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