Simplest is to clone (in gh) these reposes to your user

Then clone them from there to your machine (git clone). I usually add
"upstream" remote (git remote add upstream ...) that points back to
original apache reposes, is easier to track them later (fetch -p, rebase

Finally, in idea just create empty new project, and import modules by
pointing idea at top level pom of each project.


Ps: am on phone, so bear with me if mistakes present

On Sun, Jan 10, 2021, 11:37 Paul Hammant <> wrote:

> I'm still clicking around trying to find the piece of code I'm interested
> in. I've found
> MessageDigest(string).getInstance(“SHA-1”).update(various), but not
> succinctly how it links to the upload/publish process.
> I've already made the change I want for GraknLab's
> "bazel-distribution" (Python) bazel rule for publishing to maven central (
> commit
> <
> >)
> and also for the official bazel rule "rules_jvm_external" for the same (
> commit
> <
> >
> -
> Java). Those were 80 and 100 LoC changes.  The Python one (of course) is
> closest to the pseudocode I wrote above.
> Maybe my alternate approach to making the same change (my own forks) is
> adding a breakpoint the actual upload method and working backwards to note
> all the moving parts and work out how many method signatures would need to
> change in multiple abstractions/impls and module's to achieve this.
> What's the 2021 best-practice for cloning all core maven modules in one go,
> and loading that all into Intellij meaningfully.  It is not svn co
> anymore is in?
> - Paul

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