Am 2021-01-09 um 18:03 schrieb Paul Hammant:
I can't find where the HTTP-PUT logic is for deployment of Maven artifacts
to remote repos.

I was looking in 'maven-deploy-plugin' and 'maven-artifact-transfer' but
could not see the logic that pushes artifacts up to maven-central (or any
other properties-specified repo).

I'm wanting to play with the code and make an enhancement. No guarantees
it'd get accepted back of course. My goal of writing the code and tests
feels quite simple, but I'm stymied by not knowing where this logic is.

calc jar sha1 & md5
calc pom sha1 & md5
push up jar & pom and their md5 & sha1
if sources exist {
     calc sources sha1 & md5
     push up sources jar and its md5 & sha1
if javadoc exist {
     calc javadoc sha1 & md5
     push up javadoc jar and its md5 & sha1

Well, I forget the sig file too, but you get what I'm after. Does anyone
know which repo/plugin this is in?

What is the purpose of your request? I know Wagon in and out and Resolver quite well know.

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