The only problem here is that the expression evaluator is meant to give access to build state, not components in the system...which is why the @component annotation is handled in a completely parallel subsystem.

Obviously, plugins _can_ access basically any component in the container (which I'm a little queasy about too, I'll admit)...but it's much, much harder to document a free-for-all system like this, rather than restricting the documentation and interfaces of approved components to a distinct artifact/sub-website/etc.


On Aug 15, 2007, at 10:59 AM, Brian E. Fox wrote:

expressionEvaluator already has a decent api for getting at most stuff
(as demonstrated in the enforcer rules...especially the
requirePluginVersionDefined rule), the trouble is you have to know what
component you want or expression is available. Currently this is only
accessible by reading the code and/or debugging maven itself.

John Casey
Committer and PMC Member, Apache Maven
mail: jdcasey at commonjava dot org

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