Jason van Zyl wrote:
You don't need a 72 hour vote, I would try it in a branch first and  then
get people to look at it.

Just wondering: If I would fill in JIRAs for each affected plugin to request
a) adding an encoding parameter if not already existent
b) making this parameter default to Latin-1
would we start branches on the plugins for each of these issues?

I mean this proposal is not about a revolutionary new feature, it's merely
the attempt to create a guideline for consistent encoding handling in the
various source processing plugins. More precisely, we're seeking consensus
a) the core team will eventually introduce a new POM element for this in
   Maven 2.1, named project.build.sourceEncoding or whatever we agree upon
b) in the meantime, Maven 2.0.x will define an equally name property for
   this in its super POM
c) it's OK to have Latin-1 as default encoding rather than the platform

Also, this is not going to be a code change that plops out one day as a huge
merge back into trunk. Rather, it's an incremental process where the
required improvements to plugin X can be made independently of the
development on plugin Y.

For example, MPLUGIN-101 and MINVOKER-30 already have patches for this topic
pending. Is it really expected to open a branch, apply the patches to the
branch and merge back (the same day) instead of applying them directly to
trunk? Do I underestimate this?


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