Hervé Boutemy wrote:
this one is more tricky, even if the change in pom.xml is a simple
addition of
an element... Don't really know how to handle this without breaking things
for Maven 2.0 when an artifact with this addition is deployed to a

Handling POM additions is a more general concern and not really the point of
our proposal. For Maven 2.0.x, adding a normal property
to the super POM won't hurt the model validation for 4.0.0. For now, the
simple question to answer is will the element by named like proposed? Once
we get consensus about this name, we can continue to patch the plugins to
use this property for the parameters, knowing that it will be
forward-compatible with Maven 2.1.

For Maven 2.1, a new model version will be introduced. Users that choose to
employ this version will always experience build failures with Maven 2.0.x
due to the failed model validation. Again, this is nothing specific to our
proposal about <sourceEncoding>. We just added another element to list of
required POM additions:
- custom profile activators
- site directory
- plugin management for reporting
- ...

The only risk is that the property chosen,
makes user think to a new element <project><build><sourceEncoding> in the

Yes, we will have to properly document this just like for the new import


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