Martin Marinschek schrieb:
> Hi *,
> if Leonardo does as discussed, we can have both the 1.1 version and
> 1.2 from the same branch. (I don't see why this shouldn't be
> possible).
Sorry, I must have missed this "as discussed" discussion.

Do you mean that there will be:
* no use of new for-loops or generics in any code?
* no use of ELContext except in a couple of generic templates that are
separated out by jsf version?

If the code and templates are not going to have any Java1.5 or
JSF1.2-specific code in them, then what exactly will be the difference
between the tomahawk-for-jsf1.1 and tomahawk-for-jsf1.2 releases?

If they do have java1.5 or jsf1.2-specific code in them, then we have
the same problem: two code lines to maintain, two files to patch etc.
ok, a couple of template files with different content are ok, but more
than that is going to be a problem.

And again, what is the benefit of a jsf1.2-specific tomahawk? Can you
show any Tomahawk code that will run faster or work better because we
use JSF1.2 features?


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