On 2010-06-28 07:49, Sami Siren wrote:
> One aspect that has not been discussed yet is the legal aspect.
> According to
> http://incubator.apache.org/ip-clearance/index.html there is a formal
> process for integrating externally development efforts that have
> happened outside of Apache. Should we be following the ip clearance
> process in this case too?

The concept of a "substantial contribution" that should be subject to a
software grant is somewhat tenuous, though. Keep in mind that you do
something equivalent in JIRA already - when you check the "Grant license
to ASF" box you perform a micro-grant. So the question is whether we
should go through a full grant or through the JIRA micro-grant.

In my opinion it's ok to do the latter, since much of the code is simply
a modified version of Nutch classes - not counting GORA, of course, but
that part will be added as a third-party lib. So IMHO it's enough to zip
all source (without libs), attach it to a JIRA issue and mark the
checkbox. Then we follow the process outlined by Chris, which imports
the same codebase into our svn. What do you think?

If folks agree that this is sufficient, then Dogacan & Enis - can you
please create a separate JIRA issue, prepare a patch like this, mark the
checkbox, and list all dependencies and their licenses for those that
are not already in Nutch svn?

Best regards,
Andrzej Bialecki     <><
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