Hi All,

I have been using Nutch 1.x for the last 9 months or so and it works well for 
large scale crawls up to around a billion pages. However, the inherent lack of 
random access in HDFS really starts to become a burden on our hadoop cluster 
when going through the whole generate/update/fetch cycle. Being able to 
circumvent HDFS and store data directly in Cassandra/HBase/SQL via GORA is an 
exciting development in Nutch 2, so I have an interest in making it succeed.

That said, I too, have been frustrated by the state of affairs on Nutch 2.  I 
am willing to help. I see that Nutch is mainly an ant/ivy build process, but  
there is an attempt at using Maven? IMO, ant/ivy seems a bit dated and I am 
really much more comfortable working with Maven. Would there be an interest in 
completely moving to Maven as the build tool of choice?

From: Kirby Bohling [mailto:kirby.bohl...@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2011 8:31 AM
To: dev@nutch.apache.org
Cc: gora-...@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: Future of Nutch 2.0 [Was: Unresolved dependencies 
org.apache.gora#gora-hbase;0.1: not found in Nutch trunk]


On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 10:10 AM, Julien Nioche 
<lists.digitalpeb...@gmail.com<mailto:lists.digitalpeb...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi Kirby,

Grumble, Grumble.  (adding dev@nutch, as that is more than likely
where this discussion really belongs)...

am adding gora-...@incubator.apache.org<mailto:gora-...@incubator.apache.org> 
as well

It'd be really nice if folks could just follow the commands in the
nightly build, and get a build pushed out.  I've pointed this out
previously, and was told this would be fixed "shortly" (right after
GORA-0.1 finally got released, but not published in public maven repo,
which as far as I know, it still isn't published, but I stopped
checking on it).

I understand and share your frustration, however you need to bear in mind that 
things are done only if people volunteer and have time - usually taken from 
their holiday, weekends, evenings. Chris (who is the de facto release master 
for Nutch and Gora) has not had the time and nobody else has volunteered to do 

   I don't mean to be a complainer, I'd happily try and contribute fixes on 
this one, but most of this would likely have to be done on Hudson/Jenkins.  I 
think you're addressing a larger issue than I really meant.  My point was, 
somehow a developer does a build on their desktop, and however that is done 
should be duplicated on Hudson/Jenkins.  If you need the trunk of gora, then is 
it possible to checkout it out, build it and install it to a local repo, and 
then build Nutch via Hudson/Jenkins?  Whatever it takes to get a build should 
be what the CI server is doing.  The repeatable, but failing builds is what 
really confuses and frustrates me.  The nightly/CI build should be automating 
what devs on their desktop to ensure it'll work on a clean setup.  Right now, 
it just tells you that for the last year, the totally obvious steps will lead 
to a failure.

   I can figure out all of the configuration issues for Hudson/Jenkins to make 
it work, if somebody can push that into the Apache version.  However, I think 
answering your questions first would be a good idea.  My totally non-binding +1 
for setting up a CI/Nightly build for the various stable branches too, the only 
one I found on Apache was for trunk.

As it happens, yesterday was the 1 year anniversary of the last
successful Hudson/Jenkins build...  If that actually worked, we could
point people towards it as a useful recipe for how to get a build
working off trunk.  I haven't been following Nutch too closely, but it
always strikes me as really odd, that there's a nightly build and it
doesn't bother anybody that it fails all the time (and that there
isn't a nightly build for the stable branches).

The real issue behind all this is what we should do with Nutch 2.0. What 
follows is only my opinion and I would love to hear what others have to say on 
this subject.

Since we (actually mostly Dogacan) wrote 2.0 and delegated the storage to Gora, 
the latter hasn't really taken off since incubation. There have been some 
modest contributions to it but it does not seem to be used much and there is 
virtually nothing happening on it in terms of development. More worryingly, the 
people who initially contributed to it are not very active on the project (such 
is life, new jobs, different projects, etc...) anymore*. As for Nutch 2.0, it 
hasn't made any progress in  the last 12 months : we still have the same bugs, 
the tests do not work, the build has to be done manually etc...

At the same time, there has been a new lease of life into Nutch as a whole : 
there is definitely more activity on the mailing lists, new users, new active 
committers  etc... and quite a few bugfixes and improvements - most of them 
backported from what had been done in the trunk and people seem fairly happy 
with what we can do with 1.4

So the question is : what shall we do with 2.0? Here are a few possibilities :

a) put some effort into it, fix the bugs and make so that it can be used 
instead of 1.x
b) shelve it and leave it for enthusiasts to play with + make 1.x the trunk 
c) do nothing : keep 2.0 and 1.x in parallel  (but having to maintain two 
branches is quite a pain)
d) abandon the idea of a neutral storage layer with Gora and hardwire it to 
e.g. HBase

Option (a) has not happened in the last 12 months and I am not very hopeful 
about it.

What do you guys think?

   I know nothing about the 2.0 branch, and can't really contribute to that 
conversation (that job issue interferes will all my free time).



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