
Though I believe we should get rid of the Gradle pullPluginSource and pullAllPluginsSource tasks, this morning I tried to implement them using the OS scripts for pullPluginSource and pullAllPluginsSource w/o success.

If someone is interested I can put the diff at OFBIZ-12868

Juste let me know...


Le 23/12/2023 à 12:13, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :

OK, we need more effort here because GH and BB will break at January 8, 2024 and we need to test the changes before... In other words we have at most 2 weeks available...

I have one question. It seems to me that the Gradle "installPlugin" task, called by the pullPluginSource and pullAllPluginsSource tasks, is not implement in any OOTB plugin.

I ask this question because, if it eventually unused, it's quite easier and especially efficient/faster to use simple OS scripts than Gradle tasks for pullPluginSource and pullAllPluginsSource


Le 01/12/2023 à 11:18, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :

I have created https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-12868 for that... 



Le 27/11/2023 à 13:41, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :

As you may have noticed*, the SvnCheckout Gradle plugin will not be usable 
after January 8, 2024.

So we need a replacement and it's clearly suggested by GitHub in the link below


* https://lists.apache.org/thread/08kwg2ovjt4qyfybhf1qzsvq42jsy2wz

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