
I wanted to begin getting a little discussion on the JPA deployer as I
am beginning to work on this.  So I wanted to throw out some discussions
for architecture that may affect the entire OpenEJB as I would really
like that our deployers are consistent.  Forgive me in advance if I am
asking ignorant questions as I am spewing my thoughts...and they are not
always intelligent ;-)

1) What do we want our deployers to cough up - an object with
classloader representing the module with all of the necessary components

2) I am assuming the JPA deployer will receive a "module" of some form
that represents either the module's file representation with that
classloader all ready pre-prepped, or will it be responsible for fully
creating this "module" object?  i.e., I would like to leverage code that
has already been developed to handle this w/o re-inventing the wheel.
Pointers to code would be great ;-)

3) We want the JPA deployer (as well as others) to be embeddable...so
that they can be used "out of container", such as directly in Unit
tests, or just about anywhere?

Thoughts, comments, ideas?


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