[posted this in the beginning of the day, didn't seem to arrive. reposting]

On Feb 18, 2006, at 11:35 AM, Jeff Genender wrote:


I wanted to begin getting a little discussion on the JPA deployer as I
am beginning to work on this. So I wanted to throw out some discussions
for architecture that may affect the entire OpenEJB as I would really
like that our deployers are consistent.  Forgive me in advance if I am
asking ignorant questions as I am spewing my thoughts...and they are not
always intelligent ;-)

Yea, i have the same questions in my head. Generally "what is deployment going to look like?" Not too many concrete answers yet, just a vague image with lots of holes in it still. This will be a moving target for a bit longer.

Regardless, supporting an Application-managed entity manager doesn't require any fancy container work as it's supportable in a Java SE environment. Since OpenJPA is going to be available soon, we might want to think about adding Application-managed entity manager support in Geronimo now so servlets or ejbs could look them up from JNDI.

For those reading; application-managed entity manager support is litterally just about making the provider's EntityManagerFactory available to the application in JNDI as-is and with no special JTA hookups, connection tracking, or anything.

What do you think about that? If you like it, let's propose it on [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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