On Apr 12, 2006, at 1:13 AM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

Hi David,

Let's do it!


Currently a JPA EntityManager is a thin wrapper around Cayenne so it allows to use the JPA API, but underneath it only supports Cayenne mapping. EJB QL queries are yet unsupported. Jeff Genender and Bill Dudney are looking at class enhancers, annotations and the mapping. I'll check on cayenne-dev list where we stand on that.

Cool.  That'd be the stuff we need.  Especially some form of mapping.

As far as container integration, we can start right away, as provider part is there. Here is provider M2 project info:


I guess once we nail down the integration part, we can continue to work in parallel and get in as many features as possible.

I still need a week or two to nail down our deployment and work toward the JPA side of things. Once that occurs it should be fairly easy to add in support for at least application-managed EntityManagers.

For a simple goal, I'd like to take this app which is just one stateless session bean and one CMP and turn it into an EJB 3 style session bean with an new JPA style entity.

(source: http://cvs.openejb.org/viewrep/openejb/tags/v1_0/openejb1/ examples/moviefun/src/java/org/acme/movie)

Would be nice to make that example a tad more involved with a few more entities, but that app safely encompasses a basic functionality we need: a jsp talking to a session bean talking to an entity.

JavaOne MovieFun!



On Apr 11, 2006, at 11:51 PM, David Blevins wrote:
Hey Andrus,

What's the status of the Cayenne JPA stuff? Are there any parts implementing JPA interfaces which are more or less usable at the moment?

I'm completely insane of course, but I think if i work all night and day for the next few weeks I can have something for people to play around with by JavaOne. You up for the challenge?

At the moment I'm poking at the start of some deployment code and it's going quite well. By the weekend we should see some magic there and I'll be looking line up some more integration stuff, then I'll be working more on the 2.x container integration. So there is like a week or two gap till I'd be looking for some JPA functionality to integrate -- figured I'd shoot this off and see if you might be able to get something JPA wise in Cayenne by then.


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