Hi David,

So how is it going on your end?

I finished mapping loaders from both XML and annotations (but not yet spec-compliant merging of the two). Now I am half way done with the "bridge" between JPA and Cayenne mapping. I will be on the road for the next few days, but I hope to finish this work over the weekend. Once this is done, we'll be able to persist arbitrary annotated objects (the only Cayenne artifact in them being a special superclass - class enhancer is still to be done).

The next step I am planning is a JPA class generation template, so that we can use CayenneModeler for mapping and generation of JPA- annotated objects. This should significantly simplify DB reverse engineering and mapping process.


On Apr 12, 2006, at 2:12 PM, David Blevins wrote:
I still need a week or two to nail down our deployment and work toward the JPA side of things. Once that occurs it should be fairly easy to add in support for at least application-managed EntityManagers.

For a simple goal, I'd like to take this app which is just one stateless session bean and one CMP and turn it into an EJB 3 style session bean with an new JPA style entity.

(source: http://cvs.openejb.org/viewrep/openejb/tags/v1_0/openejb1/ examples/moviefun/src/java/org/acme/movie)

Would be nice to make that example a tad more involved with a few more entities, but that app safely encompasses a basic functionality we need: a jsp talking to a session bean talking to an entity.

JavaOne MovieFun!


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