
FWIW: I'd be happy for OL to move to a 3.0 release at some stage. This 
would allow us moving forward without having to worry about breaking the 
API. Parallel to that, I assume we would need to keep the 2.x series 
alive for some time (6 - 12 months?) for people to get comfortable with 
the new 3.x series.

Currently OL is pretty solid and stable. It will take a while before the 
3.x series will get to that point and I assume quite a few people will 
wait until it is stable enough for them to migrate their app(s).

So, why not start a 3.x branch for the edgy stuff and backport bug fixes 
into 2.x instead of choosing either 3.x or 2.x?



On 15/06/10 15:48, Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS) wrote:
> Hi list,
> a discussion that seems to be coming back is will we ever do an OpenLayers
> 3.0 or will we continue with the 2.X series. It recently came up here
> again:
> http://trac.openlayers.org/ticket/2619#comment:13
> So what is your opinion on this?
> Personally I am in favour of doing a 3.0 release, but I am not sure how
> others feel.
> If we plan to do a 3.0, can we have a meeting in Barcelona to discuss the
> direction?
> Best regards,
> Bart
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