On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 1:19 PM, Pedro Giffuni <p...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi Regina;
> ----- Messaggio originale -----
>> Da: Regina Henschel
>> A
>> Implementation of FDIST as defined in ODF1.2
>> The function FDIST (part 2, 6.18.22) calculates the left tail (integral from >> 0
>> to x). The function LEGACY.FDIST (part 2, 6.18.23) calculates the right tail
>> (integral from x to infinity). The current implemention of FDIST in AOO is
>> actually “LEGACY.FDIST”. The function FDIST in documents written with OOo2.x 
>> are
>> different from the function FDIST, which has to be implemented. I do not 
>> speak
>> of the UI names, but of the names in the file.
> This sounds like FDIST = 1 - LEGACY.FDIST
> It should be easy to "fix" and I think it should be done before 4.x.
> BTW, I am considering doing something drastic there, like replacing all the 
> probablilty
> distributions with with boost implementations. Would there be any good reason 
> to
> avoid such approach?

What is the advantage of changing?

Risk of any change is introducing a bug.  From a user's perspective
any difference in calculation, even if "correct" is something that may
cause them to halt their work until they understand why their complex
calculation gives an answer that is 0.1% different than AOO 3.4.1.

So we need both accuracy and release-to-release consistency.  Me may
improve accuracy and in the process yield results that differ from
earlier versions, but this needs to be tracked and communicated to
users carefully, so they understand what happened to their
spreadsheets.  I don't think we want "improvements" to be a surprise
for the user, especially since at that point bugs and improvements are
indistinguishable to casual examination.

If we don't have a solid test suite to determine whether our
calculations are correct or even detect if our calculations differ
from release to release then I'm not really in favor of changing the
code.  But if we wanted to do a rigorous test of OpenOffice, per the
standard, and fix any bugs or inaccuracies that the test suite
reveals, then I think we end up with a stronger product, and one where
we can safely optimize the routines, knowing that the test cases "have
our back".


> Pedro.

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