Hi Yessica,

On Fri, Feb 01, 2013 at 09:54:31AM -0300, Yessica Brinkmann wrote:
> Hello, thank you very much for the reply. The table name is cliente, as
> shown in the print screen attached to my previous mail. 

attachments are stripped in this mailing list.

> Actually I tried already to put quotes in many ways to the table names
> and columns but never works for me.

I assume it's "clientes" in lowercase. If you don't quote the
identifiers, they are sent to the database in uppercase, hence you get
the error that the table doesn't exist.

Your SQL statement should be something like

sSQL = "UPDATE ""cliente"" " &_
    "SET ""cliente"".""saldo_actual"" =" &_
    " ""cliente"".""saldo_saldo_actual"" + " &_
    oTotal.getCurrentValue() &_
    " WHERE ""cliente"".""id_cliente""=" &_

Assuming that identifiers are quoted with ". 

Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina

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