i opened your base document , opened to edit your cliente table, close and run your macro
now your macro works :-)

Op 03/02/2013 13:38, Fernand Vanrie schreef:
Op 02/02/2013 11:20, Yessica Brinkmann schreef:
Yes, I write: SELECT cliente.saldo_actual FROM cliente WHERE id_cliente=0
and it works. It say: Command executed successfully.
The column name is saldo_actual , so I wrote in my last version of the
macro, which is in my previous mail.
If its run in a query, than it must also in the macro ?
TRYE to run a other macro with only the statement with the id and the value hardcoded

2013/2/2 Fernand Vanrie <s...@pmgroup.be>

Op 02/02/2013 07:04, Yessica Brinkmann schreef:

I wanted to ask if I can please help with this issue. Is that really need to implement this functionality for my database. The macro has no errors but UPDATE is not performed in the customer table. I do not know if you
the event in which I am putting my macro, event currently in the Mouse
button released Calculate Total button. Same should work if saldo_actual
field for a record is empty it?

do the sql statement works when run from elsewhere (make a query to test)

I also see that all new users first make an introduction, I'm doing my
thesis on  Computer Engineering and I am working Independent, as do
systems. I have more experience working on Java and XML, but I think this
is a nice opportunity to learn Visual Basic.
My macro is now as follows:
Sub ActualizarSaldoVentas (Evento)
Dim oFrm As Object
Dim oCliente As Object
Dim oTotal As Object
Dim oCon As Object
Dim oStat As Object
Dim sSQL As String
Dim oRes As Object
Dim rs As Object
Dim sCliente as String
Dim ColIndex as Integer
'Dim oIdPago As Object
If oFrm.hasByName("id_cliente") Then
    Print "Cannot find id_cliente"
    Exit Sub
End If
     Print sCliente
     Print oTotal.getCurrentValue()
sSQL = "UPDATE ""cliente"" " & "SET ""cliente"".""saldo_actual"" =" &
""cliente"".""saldo_actual"" + " & oTotal.getCurrentValue() & " WHERE
""cliente"".""id_cliente""=" & CInt(sCliente)
End Sub
2013/2/1 Yessica Brinkmann <yessica.brinkm...@gmail.com>

I think maybe I should assign my macro to another event, perhaps one
associated with the form to work, I do not know, my idea is just. Tempted now assigned to mouse button released event of a button called Calculate

2013/2/1 Yessica Brinkmann <yessica.brinkm...@gmail.com>

Thank you very much for the reply. Sorry, did not know that I should not put attachments. Now I have no errors in the macro, and I used the SQL
UPDATE indicated. Just do not know why but UPDATE fails. So, when I
the table, I do not see the value of the changed field. I refreshed the table also but nothing. I printed the total value also to see if I was
right and good. I do not know what is going wrong.

2013/2/1 Fernand Vanrie <s...@pmgroup.be>

  Ariel, Yessica,
with OObase database, table and field names are case sensitive, their
no need to quote if: tables are lowercase and fieldnames uppercase.

if quotes are used, then leave the dots out of the quotes
   sSQL= "SELECT ""mybase"".""cliente"".""****saldo_saldo_actual""

WHERE...................." works



On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 08:01:22PM -0300, Yessica Brinkmann wrote:

Hi, thanks for your answer.
Now I advanced.
I print the value of the client code correctly.
Only now I have another error, tells me that the Customer table does
exist or something like this:
Basic runtime error. There was an exception. Type:
com.sun.star.sdbc.****SQLException. Message: Table not found in

  This may need to quote table and fields names:
       sSQL="UPDATE cliente SET cliente.saldo_actual =

cliente.saldo_saldo_actual + "& oTotal.getCurrentValue()& " WHERE
cliente.id_cliente=" & CInt(sCliente)

  What is the name of the table? "CLIENTES" or "clientes"?


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