Am 07.02.2013 22:10, schrieb Pavel Janík:
>> In my opinion the problem is not only the problem with the trade mark (or 
>> the simple program-name) but also a public relations problem.
>> I do not know the team of Feodora, but I know many people of LO / TDF and, 
>> let me be clear, _some_ (_not_ all) consider it well to cultivate a public 
>> representation that users subliminally says that LO's successor OOo is . 
>> (not as an official statement, but subliminally)
> Is it LO who is infringing on our trademark or is it Fedora who is misusing 
> our trademark for other project? Shouldn't we notify Fedora people politely 
> about this situation and let them (and help them!) solve the issue first?

It's not only Fedora, but also other GNU/Linux distributions using such
transitional packages. It's a common way supporting users to update
their system.


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