Thank You Rob:

I'm interest is develope, I have 15 years of experience in Linux, Windows, Java, C, C++ what can i do for join me tu us maybe with small tasks maybe debugging or solving small problems?

I'n a few words in wich form can i help the project?

El 14/02/13 18:39, Rob Weir escribió:
On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 7:16 PM, Luis Ortiz <> wrote:

I want to become a volunteer for the development or another tasks of the
project but i don't understand if i need firs introduce myself in the dev
and next sign up on the wikis.

What is the correct process for that.

Hello Luis,

Welcome to the Apache OpenOffice project!

We have quite a few mailing lists for the project, including this list
(main dev list) as well as lists for documentation, QA, marketing,
translation, etc.  We also have several native-language lists.  These
mailing lists are described here:


So one approach is to simply sign up for the mailing list(s) that
interest you and introduce yourself on each one.

Another approach, more methodical, is to review our "New Volunteer
Orientation" modules:

Those pages will teach you more about the project, how we work, what
the various project areas are, how to get started, etc.

For example, if you are interested in the coding side, this page has
the information to help you get started:



I apreciate the help.

Thanks a lot.

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