Forwarding the answer to Gerek... and yes, help is welcome and please read to know how to stay in touch! Andrea

Kevin Grignon wrote:

Thanks for generous offer.
Yes there are many open visual design and user experience design tasks.

We are currently exiting a branding refresh.

See :

There is also a design task backlog on the UX wiki. I'll send along the link in 
another note.


On Feb 27, 2013, at 3:15 PM, " | Gerek Juraj"<>  wrote:

Hi there

I have interest to help you in graphic way for your products of Open
office. Im designer with long time praxis and i have a many sucessfull
projects behind me. If you want to improve your graphic environment in any
way like website or some program please contact me.

*Best Regards*

*Gerek Juraj**
Štefánikova 264/30
029 01 Námestovo*

telefón : +421 911 316 241
web : **
e-mail :*

IČO : 43418635
DIČ : SK1074736278

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