On May 31, 2013, at 3:16 AM, "Herbert Dürr" <h...@apache.org> wrote:

> [regarding dropping stlport4]
> The changes to make the codebase ready for native STL support are done. 
> Builds with stlport4 enabled will continue to work as before.
> I suggest to use the --without-stlport option for all new builds though: 
> Stlport is a great project, but the versions that OOo depended on had been 
> released more than ten years ago. The library improved greatly since then 
> from a feature, performance and standard compliance perspective. And of 
> course many many bugs have been fixed [1]. In their stlport5 version they 
> continue to improve significantly.
> Platform STLs have been inspired by stlport, improved greatly too and in the 
> C++11 standardization process divergent views have consolidated. We can rely 
> on the platform STLs. I agree that the timing of the suggested switch is not 
> so good but the switch itself is overdue. A major version change is the right 
> time to do this.
> [1] relevant examples of fixes that got into stlport releases newer than the 
> ones OOo depended on can be seen at e.g. 
> http://stlport.git.sourceforge.net/git/gitweb.cgi?p=stlport/stlport;a=blob;f=etc/ChangeLog;hb=refs/tags/STLport-STLPORT_4_6
> On 2013/05/28 2:38 PM, Rob Weir wrote:
>> In theory every fix can cause bugs.  But some fixes are more localized
>> than others.  Fixes with localized impact are easier to test.
>> Widespread fixes are harder to test, because more code is potentially
>> broken.
> The switch was rendered possible by many little changes over the last couple 
> of months which got our code base more in line with C++11 expectations. 
> Snapshots based on these changes have been and are already extensively tested 
> by our great QA community. The switch itself is just another step in evolving 
> towards a high quality release.
> Additionally testing has it much easier to find issues introduced by the 
> switch should there be any. E.g. we have many testers and almost a thousand 
> automatic tests. They work on different platforms. They cover a lot of 
> different areas. The risk that a regression in that layer could remain 
> undetected is very low.
> Automated testing ran its 940 autotests (in BVT, FVT, SVT and PVT) on 
> different operating systems for 32bit and 64bit versions. The 
> cross-correlation between pre- and post-switch builds is the same as the 
> auto-correlation for test reruns: the same tests were successful on both 
> sides, the same tests failed for both sides.

This is great. Thanks for giving attention to the quality side of this.

A change like this is unlikely to introduce a subtle bug in only one
place. If it breaks things it should be spectacular. So the fact that
nothing is seen yet is a good sign.


> Herbert
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