Here is the current configure statement for the Linux32 bot - is this correct, and what changes would make it better?

        ./configure \
            --with-jdk-home="/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk" \
   " \
            --enable-verbose \
            --without-stlport \
            --enable-category-b \
            --enable-opengl \
            --enable-dbus \
            --enable-gstreamer \
             --with-package-format="installed rpm deb" \
             --enable-bundled-dictionaries \
             --with-lang="ast cs de el en-GB en-US es fi fr gd gl hu it
   ja km ko nl pl pt pt-BR ru sk sl ta zh-CN zh-TW ca eu he hi id lt sv
   th tr " \
            --with-vendor="Apache OpenOffice buildbot" \
            --with-build-version="%(today)s-Rev.%(got_revision)s" \

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