Building AOO does not put its results where an operating version of AOO has 
been installed on Windows.  

It sounds like you have not built the entire package.  Or you built it but did 
not run the installer that you built.  Running the installer will replace an 
existing version.  It would be good to not do that on a PC that you are using 
for production purposes [;<).

 - Dennis

PS: If you have a new soffice.bin, you could rename the one in "Program Files 
(x86)\OpenOffice 4\program\" and then copy your new one there.  Previous 
warnings apply.  Good luck. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Marshall [] 
Sent: Sunday, August 9, 2015 09:03
Subject: Simple code practice to get started

Hi everyone
I have successfully built OpenOffice 4.1.1 on a 32 bit Windows 7 platform.  I 
have installed this with windows integration and it runs with no problem.  I 
have then tried to make a couple of changes to the code as defined by the 
following hacks on the OpenOffice wiki (addition of extra 'OK' button in about 
dialog box and reversal of menus):
Within the directory of the relevant module changed (e. g. 
/cygdrive/c/aoo44/main/vcl), I then call build and the build appears to 
complete with no issue.  However, when I start OpenOffice from the icon on the 
Windows taskbar, the changes do not appear to have carried through, such that 
none of the coded changes are visible.
I have taken care to ensure that OpenOffice is closed and then re-opened 
following the build, but to no avail.  I am guessing that for some reason I am 
not starting OpenOffice correctly, such that it is still running on code which 
does not contain the changes that I have made.  Alternatively, perhaps the 
build has not actually worked correctly without me being aware of this.  I am 
aware that the hacking guide stipulates that OpenOffice should be started from 
the Cygwin command line.  I have tried this, but the bash states the following:
Jason and Emma@JasonandEmma-PC 
$ . soffice.bin
-bash: .: soffice.bin: cannot execute binary file
I suspect that my mistake is really rather elementary and perhaps indicates my 
own lack of knowledge about how things work.  Accordingly, any advice would be 
much appreciated.
Thank you.

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