On Sun, Feb 7, 2016 at 7:35 AM, J. Myers <jjantel...@gmail.com> wrote:

>      I installed the Open Office 4.1 thinking I was doing a good thing ---
> just adding a processing program that was cheaper than Word.

How can Word be compatible with Star Writer?

> Now
> I regret it and I am more than angry.  I am furious.  Before loading
> Open Office 4.1, I had and was using Star Writer (from Sun).  I was
> using that particular program because it let me do things "outside
> the box".
>       I am a writer and I had hundreds of manuscript pages stored
> onto my computer.  In addition to that there were many records
> and account pages stored in Star Writer.  I don't use a template
> for my account pages.  I do my own so that I can get more on
> one page.  Some of my documents were written  for children's
> books and did not fit any normal template because the words
> went around some of the illustrations. Not any more.  I will need
> to make corrections on hundreds of documents and that will take
> me many hours and many days.
>      When I installed Open Office  my Star Writer program completely
> disappeared out of my computer.  Who gave you the right to destroy
> my property that I paid for?

You did during installation, when accepting the license agreement!

>   And when I called up my records,
> they had gone crazy. The lines and numbers were scattered all over
> to fit some Open Office template, I presume.  What was one page is
> now 5 pages and all my formatting is gone.
>      To describe my emotions toward Open Office as RAGE is putting it
> mildly.  The Open Office 3.1 tolerated Star Writer.  I had installed
> both and used both.  Why did you change it?  Why is Open Office 4.1 so
> intolerant and oppressive?  Also, why can't Open Office offer the
> option of NO AUTOMATIC SETTINGS or FUNCTIONS?  People like me
> who have their own ideas should be able to work outside the box
> if they want to, but still be able to forward the program or store the
> program as an Open Office document.

IMO your rage should be directed towards yourself for not creating backups
of your work.
and also for being naive to expect no compatibility issues with an ancient
software like Star Office.
This is just my personal opinion as a neutral reader of this mailing list.

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