Am 13.02.2017 um 19:50 schrieb Jörg Schmidt:
From: Marcus []

Am 13.02.2017 um 09:16 schrieb Jörg Schmidt:
How can we redirect address

At the moment shows a error
message (404), this is not so good.

IMHO simply as it is not needed. ;-)

Yes, already possible

First of all, we need to know if this is a problem at all. In all the
years I don't remember that someone has talked about this and
called it
a problem.

In fact I have not noticed anything so far, so I was surprised today to the 
error message.

So, how have you come to this problem?

Sorry, I can not exactly say I came today, by surfing, unexpectedly on this 

you don't have to be sorry. Thanks for testing and asking. :-)

IMHO the most common way would be to add a redirect in the webserver config (--> Infra team).

If this isn't possible, then we can create the "en/ directory and add a "index.html" file which contains a redirect to the main homepage.

I wouldn't put any effort into a solution as long as it is not sure if it is a real problem.

There is the same with "en-us", "en-gb", en-uk", "de-at", de-ch" and I'm sure there are some more.


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