Hi Damjan,

Damjan Jovanovic <dam...@apache.org> schrieb am Di., 7. März 2017, 01:44:

> On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 11:24 PM, Peter Kovacs <legi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> >
> > I just wanted to give some feedback what I am doing.
> >
> > I am working on an alternate build Application, which could replace the
> > Perl one. I have some features in mind like auto document generation
> > (prio1) and signing the endprodukt (after I have the important local
> > functionality of build script.). What I dream of is to beeing able to
> > influence the build logic in an easy stable, sane way.
> >
> > I plan to support dmake and gnumake plus Ant.
> >
> >
> Please read the documentation on our previous attempts to improve the build
> system, so you don't repeat any of the same mistakes:
> https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Build_Environment_Effort

Thanks this will help.

> Also how does this fit with plans to advance gbuild to replace both dmake
> and build.pl?
I have asked if the pl script gets relieved and did not see any answer. So
I assumed that the plan is replace dmake with gmake.
Maybe I missed the answer in this case, I am sorry.

I have made no thoughts if it fits to gbuild or not. However my first steps
are of information gathering steps. I want to see which module has what
Dependency depending on the build logic.
Then I would like to add a simple way to sign the result of the build. And
at last I want to be able to temper with the build script in a visualised
manner. (Since I dislike the need of the effort of defining the build
logic. I am lazy)

So you can think of the whole thing more kind of a Frontend idea. So yes I
can try to avoid any double work.

So is it important not to temper with gbuild strategy?  I don't want any

> >
> > All the best
> >
> > Peter
> >

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