Thanks all for your feedback. I am not so sure the Idea carries. However
I would go in depth because maybe there is something we can think about
in the long run.

Markus wrote:

> I cannot belief that all (or the most) users are really angry /
> annoyed / disappointed. Can you proof that?

In a subset of cases we closed we had arguments. We also have improved
the closing comment as a reaction, which controls the outbreak much better.

One example where we had a cry out has been here:

I do also mention this scottish sceptic guy, who ranted exactly on one
of these cases. While I do not want to look to closely on his method I
believe he or in his surrounding someone has been affected by such a
case and he did berserk in an issue and after that on his blog.

But maybe these cases are not as often as the normal cases.

> The resolution was created to make it visible that the reported issue
> has its source not in OpenOffice. It has nothing to do with user
> support. Maybe it's often used for this but this was/is not intended.
True. I think all the cases where a reset of the Profile does resolve
the Issue may be wrong to close them as NOT_AN_OOO_ISSUE since the Issue
is a corrupted profile. And we do not know the root cause for the

And we should consider in finding out if we can not harden openoffice
against this corruption. Most often we do not know if a Issue report has
been fixed with profile reset.

Jörg wrote:

> Bugzilla is not a support ticket system. If we were to start inviting users 
> (through an appropriate category in Bugzilla) to submit support requests 
> here, we would be creating additional work for ourselves.
The support request is there. It costs effort to move people into the
right channel i.e. Forums. And it is effort to move an issue that needed
to be first clarified and ended up on Forums to move it to the Channel
of Bugzilla.

I think we have to discuss ways to reduce this border.

I think we need to lower this to improve the recruitment rate. We are
doing pretty bad on this topic in general. I do think that if more users
are on Bugzilla, maybe they start looking into other stuff. Maybe the
Idea is stupid, and not right. But we need to open ways that people can
naturally extend their work that they are doing. Maybe my impression is
also not right, and we need to take care different steps to activate people.

For QA on 4.1.6 we had 7 Release Testers. That is thin. Maybe if people
handle support request they can be more easily activated to handle new
bugs, and then activated for release testing.

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