Small correction:

I am greatfull to all involved for ODF 1.3. I do not want to exclude
anyone. I think this is really Awesome!

And I whish someday, AOO will have also people somehow helping to
develop ODF format further.

I am sure there is still lot of work to do.

All the Best


On 09.02.20 17:22, Peter Kovacs wrote:
> My personal opinion in this matter is that it does not matter what
> others do. All that counts is that ODF 1.3 is out.
> If others want to join the party everyone is welcome. If they do not
> want to that is fine, too.
> I am personal very happy that the TDF has managed to organize this. And
> I am excited to work on this.
> So I would like to focus on the Todos what we need to do in order to get
> this done.
> My fist Ideas would be:
> # compare 1.3with 1.2 or see if we get any other compares of changes.
> # Then we need to check what is covered by the 1.2 extended implementation.
> # 3 We need to make a plan what is to implement for 1.3 and make a
> tracking list of features and tests to implement.
> Any more Ideas?
> All the Best
> Peter
> On 09.02.20 12:28, Jörg Schmidt wrote:
>> Hello, 
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Pedro Lino [] 
>>> Sent: Sunday, February 09, 2020 11:51 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: New Challange ODF 1.3 is out
>>> Hi Peter, all
>>>> Just a heads up. On FOSDEM I learned that TDF managed to 
>>> raise money and
>>>> do the work for ODF v 1.3.
>>> I believe this is a quite relevant announcement!
>>> If ODF 1.3 is only used by a single Office suite then it will 
>>> no longer be "software independent" which IMHO defeats the 
>>> purpose of an Open Document format...
>>> On the other hand given that ODF 1.3 is currently not an ISO 
>>> standard, Microsoft will not care about it until it is (in 
>>> fact they are making sure that ODF is not used at all)
>>> This will also isolate AOO since Open Documents will only 
>>> travel in one direction without feature loss (much like what 
>>> happens now with Microsoft's XML formats)
>> You described it very well.
>> I myself have been following the development of ODF from the very beginning 
>> and I have to underline what you write, or rather I have to take a critical 
>> look at the approach of the TDF, because:
>> In terms of a free, uniform format for office documents and the declared 
>> intention to formulate this standard as an ISO standard, it is regularly 
>> counterproductive for LO to deviate from this and implement OASIS standard.
>> We all know what to think about MS in general ... but ... the approach of MS 
>> to ODF to implement the ISO standard is an understandable and reasonable 
>> decision.
>> I make this assessment for the following reason:
>> if it wasn't important that ODF was defined as an ISO standard, you could 
>> have stuck with the OASIS standard from the beginning.
>>> Maybe it is in OASIS' interest (and even TDF's?) that other 
>>> software adopts ODF 1.3 and that they could/should provide 
>>> some support/developer time?
>> Probably this is a pragmatically correct question and we have no real 
>> possibility to behave better.
>> However, we should keep in mind that the behaviour of the TDF is not optimal 
>> as far as the interests of the sum of all users are concerned.
>> It is likely that MS is playing a similar game with OOXML, but the FOSS 
>> community should not see this as an example or excuse for their own actions.
>> greetings,
>> Jörg
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