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Am 20.03.22 um 21:58 schrieb Jose R R:
> On Sun, Mar 20, 2022 at 9:10 AM Kay Schenk <> wrote:
>> I go started down a rabbit hole this am when my husband told me Putin was
>> contemplating bombing the US Embassey in Ukraine. A vacant building at this
>> point but internet searches kept popping up about the embassy pulling
>> docs/information about some bio labs housed in Ukraine that were/are
>> jointly run by Ukraine/US and wholly funded by the US!
>> Dare I say if this is true, the US has a MUCH LARGER stake in the future of
>> Ukraine.
> That is why all the Russian media is being censored by Europe, Canada,
> US/UK; the fascist rulers of the latter pseudo-democracies do not want
> their disinfo narrative to be challenged at all. Locally, Telegram
> channels of, SputnikNews, are being censored. And Google (will
> this email reach you ;-) , 'META', Twitter, GitHub, etc. are complicit
> in this unprecedented censorship campaign.
> But, indeed, even State Dept. Victoria 'Fuck the EU' Kagan Nuland,
> confirmed the fact the US is funding biolabs in Ukraine.
> < 
>  At the same time the 'exceptional nation' was collecting Slavic --
> more specifically, Russian DNA. Why?
> "Only one main thing is important for Nazism -- internationally
> speaking. That is, that nations or states that are allowed to do
> anything are the 'master races' [modern euphemism is 'the First
> World,' i.e., genocidal thieves and plunderers] and then you have the
> minor nations who are the slaves [modern euphemism is 'the Third
> World,' i.e., displaced, surviving victims of plunder and theft by the
> former]. For the Europeans, the slaves were/are 'Indians' and
> Africans; for Hitler, they were Jews (not any anymore ;-), Gypsies,
> and  Slavs."
> Fascism: A History.
> < >
> Obviously, the US' 'exceptionalism' places its fascist rulers on the
> same level as Napoleon, Hirohito, and Hitler. They are targeting
> Russia and its people for annihilation by using Zionist -ruled Ukraine
> and its Aidar, Tornado, Azov, Nazi batallions as proxies for a wider
> conflict as there are ~ 175,000 thousand US/UK NATO forces surrounding
> Russia... just ready for the spark of a CIA orchestrated false flag
> op.
>> You can do your own search or enlist your son to help.
>> I am more freaked out than ever. And if Biden knows all this -- which I'm
>> sure he does -- he needs to get his ass in gear!
>> We live in WAY WAY WAY BEYOND BULLSHIT times!
> Best Professional Regards.
> P.S. I was recently censored by 'progressive' Daily Kos site because I
> do not fit the demonization of Putin narrative disseminated by the
> West's propaganda.
> --
> Jose R R
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