Laurent Godard wrote:

> Hi Mathias
>> When the release candidates where delivered a new cvs branch was created
>> for them (starting with a new numbering for the corresponding master
>> builds, so we got m1,m2 etc.) while new development for the next release
>> continued with the "old" numbering (m146, m147 etc.). We did the same
>> when releasing 2.0 BTW.
>> I agree that it would be better to show the full version number in the
>> dialog directly. The current way seems to create a lot of irritations.
> yes it is a real pain when you're on users lists to identify the version
> they're speaking about
> i would suggest
> 1- put all the revision number in the OOo Name
> 2.0.1 instead of 2.0, everywhere, not only in the help

That would be my choice also.

> 2- when you create a sub cvs branch for a RC
> call it so that it contains the milestone it is based on
> eg m146-1, m146-2, m146-3 aso

Here I disagree. The version shound contain only the regular version
number, but why not showing the build version directly in the "About
dialog" below the version (instead of asking for "CTRL-SDT to display it")?

Best regards,

Mathias Bauer - Application Framework Project Lead
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