On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 9:20 AM, tora - Takamichi Akiyama <
t...@openoffice.org> wrote:

> That is why I would like to encourage programmers to take care of the life
> time of data.

First of, I am doubtful that encouraging manual memory management is a good
idea.  Errors in manual memory management probably are the cause for the
vast majority of severe failures in C/C++ programs.  Hence, I would always
try to abstract from actual memory as much as possible.  (Performance
considerations are of course valid, but they must be balanced against safety
and maintainability considerations.)

What you describe with "Slicing cheese and throwing them out at once" can be
done, but I would not want to do it manually.  There are systems more clever
than C++, building on effect types and region-based memory management, that
exploit such optimizations.  But there, it is the language
implementation---and not the programmer writing a program in that
language---that carries out the proof that keeping data in a region of
memory that is discarded wholesale at a certain point in time is sound.

That said, it might work to map your various levels of data---from "data
lasting until the soffice.bin quits" to "data lasting until a current
function call returns"---to different C++ types with appropriate conversion
functions that potentially need to copy data, to statically ensure sound
memory access while on the one hand allowing to exploit optimized memory
management strategies and on the other hand still being safe if data does
escape from its anticipated level.  Would be a nice experiment.

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