There are some question I'd like to ask

1. It's been announced that OpenOffice project was donated to Apache Software Foundation as incubator project.
what does it exactly mean?  will there be a new website and they said that they'll be moving the source code somewhere on the Apache side.
does this mean there will be a new way of accessing the

2.  I'm a seasonal programmer and I'd like to contribute.  The documentation for getting the source and start programming is too much confusing.
There are multiple applications with little documentation or too much written and nothing to the point.
First of all, I have Windows system and don't have any other choice.  Second, the documentation is written in genetic format, of variety of platforms at the same time and is very confusing.
What I would like to see is something straight to the point: a. this is Windows, this is how you do it.  b. this is Linix, this is how you do it etc.
If you'd like to see an example of a wiki, look at   It's arranged by the language that people use, hence I would see it platform by platform.
The documentations seems to be outdated a bit.  I could even write some if I know what to do.  and the other thing is, are we waiting until the moves to another platform at Apache, so to avoid doing a useless work.

3. I've installed the free software necessary to access the code and compile, debug etc.  I is very difficult to configure.  A lot of different pices working together.
 I downloaded MinGW, Mercurial, some other things.  I don't know what to do with it.  I spend hours just to figure something out.  I don't think it's efficient enough.
Again, I'd like to see better guidance.  I would write some of it myself.

4. anyway, what's happening to the project (question 1 again)
I'd like to see better wiki and clearer documentation and better organized.  Somebody has to do it.

So if you're willing to answer any of these questions, it would be appreciated.


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